Monday, December 13, 2010







Tuesday, October 26, 2010






Saturday, September 25, 2010




不在计划之内,意外走进了National Portrait Gallery,享受爵士音乐,让我顿时释放了所有的坏情绪。Music can heal your soul,不就有这么一句话罗?听完之后,感觉及时变得美妙。和这种good feeling 久违了。





然后有一个很好的music composer那天和我聊天。他问我,毕业后什么打算,五年后想在哪里?我最讨厌两个问题,一是计划,二是你最喜欢哪个电影/导演。但是这个朋友虽然属于工作朋友,但他和我有种connection,我没办法隐瞒。于是我很坦白地说,‘我不知道’。还说:‘I used to think that I will make feature films... ' 他等了下说,‘And? .. What has changed?' - 'Part of my character doesn't suit the industry' - 'And who decide that?' - I pointed at myself.

A few simple sentences engaged me into a deep thought. I questioned myself on the day, 'do I really not want it anymore? or, I'm just backing out?'

这个music composer只为长片创作音乐,帮我(自己都看不起的)短片做音乐是一个例外。我其实也不知道他为了什么而做。但见面的最后,他说,让我继续update他我的作为。


倒是接了几份婚礼拍摄剪接的工。超级不耐烦,因为讨厌和别人讨价还价,更讨厌别人不信任我。懒得和别人打交道又是我,所以恨不得,说好价钱,把东西交给我,到时我交货就好。讨厌婆婆妈妈的磨合过程。还记得第一天那个顾客拼命和我诉说之前别人干得怎么不好不好,然后很怀疑地把东西交给了我。甚至我还知道,交给我的那东西早有另一个自己剪好的,目的就是要我剪好后,和他们的比较。但是西方人也很得空下,特意给钱我,只为了试探我的水准。结果看了WIP (Work in Progress)之后,拨电给我说,他们非常激动和满意。这下,我心里冷冷地说,‘看吧,我从来不令你们失望,所以不要置疑我的专业。’ 自大,应该会让我吃亏吧。没有,因为都是心里在自大,表外不懂和人讨价,才让我吃亏。

去旅行参加guided tour的时候,看到别人都成双成对的去背包旅行,在想,下次去旅行,是一个人还是两个人?







Wednesday, August 04, 2010










在这里,很多事情变成一种活生生的事实,而不是一种憧憬,一种猜想。Film is not a game for everybody. 我很钦佩一个友人,能对自己坦白说,如果拍了三部电影,都没有好的收获,便是时候思考一下,自己到底长处在哪里。在他身上,我看到的不是悲剧,而是一种豁达。而同时,也有另一个友人,十年里换了不少学校,结果说,都是学校不够好。会不会是自己不够好,而无法去承认?可能这才是悲剧吧。

Thursday, April 22, 2010



一个土耳其朋友,总是赞赏东欧的食物多好吃,说Chinese Food真的很难吃,闻到那个味道就害怕。说橄榄油怎么煮怎么好吃,就是配面包也好吃,说有一天得带我们全班去吃土耳其的佳肴。回去土耳其的时候,还寄给我看,什么东西好吃,回来的时候也带了土耳其甜品给我们吃。然后也推广说哪个土耳其导演赢了什么国际大奖。

一个巴西朋友,说什么话,开口总是以“I'm Brazilian"为头,行事豪放不羁,皆因“巴西人”所至。在巴西文化,我们是就是,不是就不是,不会像英国人那样,事事讲求圆滑周到礼貌,"being nice"。光顾餐厅,鸡蛋里挑骨头,然后逼人家打折扣,也是因为“巴西人”。什么东西都complain complain, 也是因为“巴西人”。讲评他的影视作品的时候,他总是说,“不,不!不是这样的,因为我是巴西人,我们巴西人不是这样的,我不认同你们那一套。” 这么让他催眠了好久,直到来了另一个巴西人,才松了一口气,绝不是所有的巴西人都这样。

一个中国朋友,很关心中国人来英国的命运,也很关心自己的宗教。时不时就说,“圣经上不也说吗,......” “圣经里有个故事是这样的......” 那天他和一些同教的朋友遇上,大家就讨论什么佛教就是教你逃离这个世俗嘛,根本就不实用,说没有爱就没有恨,这个爱本来就是天生的嘛,基督教就很入世罗...”等等。我只是默不作声,因为我认为宗教信仰是很个人的事情,就像家庭排第一,还是事业排第一,这两种人永远很难说服对方。如果各自都要把自己优越化,贬低对方,驳斥对方,我们引发的就是宗教战争。为什么人类永远没有学会包容“异象”的能力,那么多宗教把他人label成异教徒,然后对他们进行各种不一样的行为。我知道,在他们眼里,我们是那些等待被救赎的迷途羔羊,传福音也是他们的“天责”,但有时候我真想说,放了我吧,你让我入地狱吧~!






Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Revolutionary Road

It's good to watch a colour film again. I sometimes wonder why such a dreadful feeling when I watch black and white films, and I've seemed to figure out that it's because the setting of the period, the way the people talk, can't connect to me too much.

And watching a colour film like "Revolutionary Road" is more than just good. Both Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Carpio are at their best! Recently, I've just heard about a comment that says Leonardo is only good in Titanic, but this isn't the case. To see how they work and affect each other in this piece of film is simply amazing and of course for me, a wonderful experience to see how these actors act. They're focused, attentive to the partner, and it makes me believe that each time they do a take, it is not the same, and it must be the case. At times, the camera work just flow uninterruptedly when they're having a fight, and it works brilliantly without any cut (whether it is done purposefully or not during the shoot) because it delivers a more realistic and believable scene to the audience. What's more, both performances are too good to be watched. The scenes of them shouting at each other are so furious and frequent that any 2nd class actors would make it over-the-top and irritating to watch.

This film would probably look like an ordinary dull story on the screenwriter's papers, yet it makes you think almost every second on the screen, now this is what ya call film-making. Each characters have their own needs but they have to learn how to also accommodate the other person's needs since they are couple, and this is very true in all love relationships. As the saying goes, real people do not say explicitly what they think, because words uttered are rationalized. It is why we have to keep thinking and exploring what the characters really need or lack of. April loves her husband, she wants to make him happy, she takes care of him, but what is it that she's unhappy about? She wants a change - Paris, a fantasy that believed to be a paradise, but throughout the story, her conscious intent was to make her husband happy. Subconsciously, she's probably not. On the other hand, Frank seemed to buy the idea of relocating for a new life, but he is certainly unease with the change itself. The higher pay and promotion had challenged his decision, and as most of us will do, no matter how bored the job is, to accept this irresistible offer. Most of the people do not know what they want, but money is something that they absolutely know that they wouldn't not want. Despite Frank shows his sincere love and care to keep the baby, and I believe he didn't wittingly make his wife pregnant to cover his weakness of not going for a change, in a way he must have felt that the fact of the pregnancy is a more logical and solid reason to support his needs. The ironic thing about couple living together is that they want to please each other, and they make themselves in believing that making the partner happy means making they themselves happy. A long suppression of own need, probably unconsciously, makes something go wrong underneath each word and each action. Kate and Leonardo have brought out the essence of acting, where we observed that something is happening "in between" their words, and not "on" their words itself.

The movie is a tragedy. It seems there is no way out for both of them, which is pessimistic to think of. And the movie ends with the scene of the old couple talking in the living room, which gives an interesting hint.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The days go on

The study of "The Writer's Journey" is interesting, because it is also a study of one's life journey. They are your threshold guardians, so don't be angry, treat them nicely. If you know your end, you can work out the beginning.

It is heart warming to receive a message from a special friend (the wise old woman/ wise old man). Your magic words shall help me to stay true and stay firm.

This is the first time I am experiencing seasonal change, from winter to spring. For tropical habitant like us, our mind and mood stay still all the time, because the time doesn't seem to change. Now it is moving from cold towards warm, the change is somehow unbelievable. The simple fact that you are at the same location, but the weather is changing, is simply unbelievable. And I'm in the awkward position, uncertain as to whether I am missing the winter, or I am looking forward to the spring. The most important of all, is that I'm suddenly aware that time is passing swiftly, time is not enough, so I must learn to appreciate "now".

Life is a treasure, don't stop exploring. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Schindler's List vs The Pianist

I watched the Schindler's List sometime ago, and just watched The Pianist. Both films are made with the background of Germans exterminating the Jews during the World War II.

I remembered Schindler's List was good, but there was a moment I tried to recall what the story was. The Pianist was great too, in a way, you find it elegant, probably partly because of the music, but it doesn't give you the usual "sensational enjoyment" that you normally get from watching a film.

Schindler's List has a vivid hero, whose fate is to rescue as many people as he can, by recruiting them under his company. This hero is an unwilling hero, where he, not only once blamed his assistant for bringing in incompetent people to work. He is detached with the favour and the charity he is doing for his staff. However there is a scene where he is about to flee, and he suddenly breaks into tears, bragging about he hasn't done enough for the people. It is moving, yet the intention of the scene is too obvious. Schindler, breaking into tears and kneeling down, doesn't seem like the tough guy he used to be previously. Nevertheless, overall, the hero in the Schindler's List is someone we look up onto, and on the other hand, the protagonist in The Pianist is someone we identify with.

The Pianist has a protagonist, who is not set to go out and fight his enemies, but he has one simple objective - to live. He is a character, whom we, as the normal people, would identify with. He lost his career, his family, he lost everything. What would you do, if you were him, a powerless citizen? You'd probably do the same. On the day he is separated from his family, knowing that they would die, and he wanders back to the house, I felt a total lost, just like him. What is life? What is hope? How do you live on?

Schindler's List describes brutality in large scale - the mass showering of a group of naked women, citizens losing all their properties at the railway station, etc. The overall emotion evoked was sympathy. In The Pianist, we were brought into that realistic experience as if we were there. The Germans are so absurd, and the Jewish not fighting back, evoked an emotion of utter rage in me.

In The Pianist, the brutality portrayed is much more subjective, coming from the point of view of the protagonist, hence more raw and realistic. Perhaps the fact that the director himself, Roman Polanski has been through the experience, he tends to present these ruthless incidents as they were, without trying to give a reason. One German comes, picks some Jewish out, and starts shooting. That's it. At night, they rush into the house, throw somebody out of the window. That's it. We never understand why. Thus, many times, we feel shocked, like the protagonist, because they were unpredictable, unreasonable. Whereas in the Schindler's List, the German General guy often talks to Schindler, and sometimes his weakness is shown. It seemed to have some moral justification there, or the attempt to make him more humanised, or trying to ingest certain reasons behind all these insanity. It makes him a complicated character, but at the same time, it takes too much for us to try to understand him, or even pity him.

In The Pianist, time passes, he wakes up, he sleeps, he tries to find food. This routine is torturous, restless and hopeless (like in the "Cast Away"). We follow him all the way through, because we want to see the day he is reborn. The drama was heighten when he was almost dead - he was beaten until fainted, he was almost killed by the Russian because of the German coat he was wearing. These are the ordeals in the principles of mythology, and we find it utmost rejoicing to see him survive, and reborn again. At last, he is back at the radio station where he used to be.

All in all, the Schindler's List provides a more informative view. It motivates me to find out more about the racism and the war after watching the film. The Pianist initiates more psychological and philosophical thinking about human survival in individual and in groups. (Maybe there were no belief, or seemingly plausible way, or set of rules for each races to live harmoniously together, and so one must demonstrate his power or guarantee his survival by imposing fear onto another.)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Watching Films, Again

Everyday, I hear everybody telling me that X or Y is a must-see movie. People get shocked with my ignorance about those films. And there are tons of movies mentioned in the books that I'll have to see. I wonder anybody would ever know all of these movies.

An award-winning film doesn't always impress you immensely. A classic film like Godfather can draw me to sleep. An experienced director may not have watched all of the Haneke's films. I discovered that the choice of viewing can rely heavily on our cultural background, taste and preference of purpose.

Life is so short, and it just no make no sense to me to try to be "clever" in watching films. Moreover, to score 100% in the knowledge of all films doesn't assure a perfect score in the profession of directing anyway.

I'm tired watching too many head-cracking films recently. I just want to watch a "normal" film, a film that allows me to sit back, relax and enjoy. The first 2 minute of VO in "All about Lily Chou-chou" had urged me to press the eject button on my computer. Next is the "The Birth of a Nation". Oopss.. didn't realised it's a silent film. Sorry, but not today please. I then inserted the "Kes" - one of the best films of the British director Ken Loach but it cannot be played!

Freaked out.

I searched "best romance comedy" on the website and surprisingly found the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", a film some friend mentioned to me the other day, on the top of the list.

After downloading the movie and fixing the subtitle for some time, I finally... Finally! get to watch a movie. Starred by Kate Winslet and Jim Carey, this is a very rare and refreshing piece. The story is based on the outstanding idea of using surreal setup of "erasing memory" to explore love relationship (it won the Best Screenplay in Oscars 2005) - an ideal model of surreal intertwining with realism. The emotional journey is distinctively portrayed in visuals, coupled with solemn music. The story kept me engaged throughout and gave me the impression of a short film. The part that I appreciate most of all, is the truthful treatment towards the change of the relationship - passionate yet dysfunctional, as most of us experienced.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


最近看的影片,至少有一半是黑白电影。其中大部分是因为电影教材书里提到,所以拿来看看。这步日本电影,和 The Departed 一样,谈家庭、生命。50年前50年后两部力作,再再地证明日本在这方面哲理之深厚。


看日本人对自家人必恭必敬的说话,是很有趣的。那种含蓄、不外露的作风,几近虚假,但却又令人相信(convincing enough)。老妈子总是附和老头子说的话,然后跟着后面行走,老头子时而唬笑老伴爱睡觉,都真实地反应两个老人的相处之道。像很多老人家,就算对孩子不满,也不好意思让孩子知道,然后俩人在夜深难眠的时候,感慨而谈。另外,老头子也有几个好友,虽是随便地聊聊,却也道尽了人生。

母亲忽然病逝的时候,一切也是那么地诚实。老头子虽有伤痛,但不会表露,自己一个人去看日出,孩子会顾虑工作,有些会带着丧衣,有的抵达老家的时候母亲已过世所以没什么感觉,直到举行丧礼才有感觉。丧礼一举行完毕,各自的情绪也马上恢复,然后紧接投入生命的下一环。戏末两个女孩的谈话颇引人深思,一个认为孩子们自私无情,另一个说,“人们总是必须先照顾好自己的生活... ” 让我联想我家老人家过世前那段病重的日子,一般没几个孩子在身边。




Thursday, March 04, 2010



下午2点,我回到课室里,和同学们继续进行拍摄彩排,可是那几分几秒,实在难熬。我回想毕业以前以后,足足7年左右,我和辩论队难舍难割。以为已经慢慢离开,但细数起来,却又几乎每个term break的训练营,我都准时报到。在多少个大赛之前反复来回赛城,甚至到马六甲急进冲刺,然后又失望而归。痛心而训,细心地劝,眼看辩论班经历低潮,总让我们几个老而不死的,无限感慨。









Saturday, February 27, 2010






Sunday, January 17, 2010









Thursday, January 07, 2010

而有些回忆,应该带走... 还是留下?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


上周在“生离死别”的庆生会上,有人问我,还有什么地方想去的吗? 哈哈,真的去死一样...

没什么想去的地方,倒是有很多该看的电影未看。昨天看了好评如潮的《Sherlock Holmes》。侦探片开头很重要,很可惜迟到开端没有看到。

看这样的戏,不会想太多地去着墨于技术上的事儿,只想静静地品尝它的美,感受其内涵的味。英国人独有的幽默,节奏上的缓慢快速交替,音乐的丰富性,都是这部戏唯美之处。画面以黑色为主,以白色衬托,很少色彩,予人神秘之感。本身很喜欢很喜欢Hans Zimmer他为这部戏配的音乐。好几次,那一首小提琴的独奏一出现,观众就笑了。那么有个性的音乐,看来也是重要的一角呢!观赏像这样具有英国风味的影片,其享受就在于发现它的细致,然后自己在那儿玩味无穷。像那个180度逆转的镜头,片尾的title sequence等等, 总叫我们这些同行的敬佩他们就算是在这里那里一丁点在艺术创作上的别具一格,也不甘心流于产线操作、标准做法的态度。


如同Yasmin Ahmad所有的电影,无非是想说爱能弥补一切创伤,爱能改变一切,这个是走不掉的。她自己也曾经说过,她因为爱家人才开始拍电影,也因为爱而继续拍电影。所以,秉持着单纯信念去做是她的风格,她的选择,观众能否接受,也是自己的选择。